Support Us

Support Us

St Mary’s church is much more than the building you all know and are familiar with. The body of people that make up the church family are involved in many activities that benefit the community. By exploring this website, you will see the work done with the young people of Highley, the men’s group, various other women’s groups such as Allsorts and other support groups. The parish hall is available as a venue for community groups.

Christenings, Weddings and Funerals are all part of the services offered to the community, but as you can guess all these things require financial support. The majority comes from the congregation.

The day to day cost of running the church, parish hall and outreach in Highley costs £1,400 per week. Funds for huge projects such as the church restoration are raised and held separate from the day to day costs (and are therefore excluded from the figure above).

How can I make a donation?

Visit our ‘Give A Little’ donation page:

‘Give A Little’ helps charities, such as St Mary’s Church, collect cashless donations.

Alternatively, you can give a one-time gift or set up regular giving via your bank account! If you are a UK taxpayer, please consider ticking the Gift Aid declaration to make your gift go even further.

Bank Transfer

Account name: St Mary Highley PCC 
Sort code: 30-99-50
Account: 34105063
Reference: TA-SURNAME-INITIALS [if claiming gift aid] or
TB-SURNAME-INITIALS [if not claiming gift aid]

Please fill out the Gift Aid form below if applicable.

Gift Aid

Did you know that if you are a UK taxpayer, Gift Aid can be applied to any donation you make? Gift Aid increases your donation by 25p for every £1 you donate. Please click below to complete a Gift Aid Form.

Thank you for your generosity – without your giving the vision to knowing Jesus and making Him known wouldn’t be possible.