Opening times: Friday’s 19:30-21:00 (term time only)
Cost: 50p per session
Venue: St Mary’s Parish Hall, Highley
Refreshments: small tuck shop consisting of:
• Cans of pop – £0.70
• Chocolate bars – as priced
• Toast and hot chocolate – Free

The Friday Event youth club has been serving the community of Highley for the best part of 20 years. It is committed to providing activities that will engage, educate and encourage young people between ages 11 and 16. These activities range from cooking skills, craft sessions and games nights, but also encompass time for discussion, chill time and the ever-available pool table, table tennis table and PS4 console.
We very much enjoy spending time with our young people away from the youth club, in recent times we have embarked to the local country park for wide games and a fantastic ‘colour run’. We have also recently visited the Pioneer Centre, where we had great fun on some of the activities (even though the weather was against us).
The club is run completely by volunteers, all over 18’s, whom have full DBS certificates and value our vision of encouraging young people to explore the idea of faith. We also have an extensive young volunteers programme where we encourage those under 18 to explore their leadership qualities, through weekly tasks and training sessions.
Friday Event Chairman